Group of Friends

Written on 03/25/2021

Welcome to our Group of Friends!

We are so glad you have downloaded our App and that you desire to be part of this movement of friendship. If you have already join a daily prayer group, congratulations! You have made one of the best decisions in your life. If you have not join one yet, we encourage you to do so and to try it out for a week.

We all need friends. None of us is an island. Especially during these historic moments we are living, we need each other, and above all, we need to draw closer to God. We believe that religion cannot produce lasting change, but a love relationship with our risen and living Lord, Jesus Christ can change your destiny forever!

Over the years, we have tried different ways to encourage people to grow in their faith and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. These daily groups of friends are an answer to our prayers. We do not know of a more simple and easy to reproduce method to achieve this than these daily groups of three. They are effective even in the midst of fast paced and highly distractive society. The reason for their effectiveness is the very presence of Jesus Christ. He is the key to our meetings. His presence makes the difference! We thank God for what He is doing in our midst; He deserves all glory and recognition!

These groups are small, intimate, and highly flexible. With the power of the Holy Spirit, they have the potential to spread like wildfire throughout the land! These groups are able to reproduce organically through friendships. They can become the nucleus of growth groups, house churches and congregations.

Here you will find valuable information to equip you for your daily meetings or to start your own groups with your family and friends.

You are part of a movement of God for this generation!

May God bless you and your family abundantly!

Friends of Jesus/ Amigos de Jesús 

Pastor César & Patty Buitrago

California. Email:

In order to know more about you and to serve you better, please join the movement by clicking here:


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Friends in Prayer 
Daily Group Pattern: 30 minutes

The group chooses a reader for the day. We recommend regularly rotating the individual who organizes the call and the reader so that everyone can learn to facilitate. The reader assigns who will open and close with prayer and the order we will follow. We choose a portion of Scripture, for example: Ephesians 5:1-4. In addition, each member chooses two names of friends he/she wants to invite to the groups. Members will pray for their own friends in the last prayer round.

Thanksgiving Prayer:  to Jesus Christ

A friend starts a one-minute conversation with Jesus Christ, 
• Thanking him for the new day and for each member by name.
• Recognizing the presence of Jesus Christ in our midst for He said:
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Mt. 18:20. 

• This person professes our love and devotion to Jesus.

Biblical Prayers: to the Father

The reader reads aloud the first verse, in our example: Ephesians 5:1 and talks to the Father for one minute inspired in that particular verse. The rest remain quiet. One by one, the rest of the members follow, praying a one-minute prayer inspired by the verse just read. They do not need to read the verse again. This process repeats itself one verse at a time. Five minutes before the 30 minutes end, the reader signals the group it is time to close with the last prayer round.

  Obedience Prayer : for the Holy Spirit

Each friend does a one-minute prayer to the Father, asking Him:

• To fill us and empower us  with the Holy Spirit  so that we can  put into practice the verses we prayed 
• For the friends we want to invite. We mention their names.
• For our daily groups of friends that they may grow and multiply.

We say goodbye and dismiss the group promptly at 30 minutes. Rev.3/11/2021  

Download the prayer manual here

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