The Need of the Heart

No matter our history, or the color of our skin, or our social or economic position, every human being has a deep need for love and acceptance.
Experts have identified five basic needs of every human being. If these are not satisfied you will suffer a mediocre and painful life. NEED:

1) PURPOSE: Why are you here? What is the purpose of your existence? Is there life after dead?

2) IDENTITY: Who am I? How can I mature as a human being?

3) SATISFACTION: We were created with a deep longing to love and be loved.

4) FREEDOM: How can I be free from my fears, addictions, and patterns of behavior that dominate me?

5) HOPE: How can I live optimistically in the midst of a negative world?

Many seek to meet these needs by practicing a religion, only to be completely frustrated and bitter. A religion does not have the power to transform us, but a loving relationship with Jesus Christ can make you a new person from the inside out.
On one occasion Jesus Christ told a crowd that followed him: “I am the bread of life; he who comes to me will never be hungry; and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. " John 6:35
Jesus Christ, dear friend, can satisfy that deep need of your heart. Do you know him personally, intimately? He loves you and wants to give you life and life really full and abundant.

Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, if you really offer a new and full life, I long for it. Please free me from myself. I give you my life with a sincere heart. Forgive my doubts, my idols, my egocentricity, I want to know you, I want to love you and I want to serve you. I have heard the truth that you died for my sins to set me free and that you rose from the dead, give me your life and your forgiveness and count me as one of your friends. So be it."